English Dissertations Online.

Research on Anarchism Forum - Theses and Dissertations related to anarchism and anarchists (Masters and Ph. Ds.)


This section presents some online dissertations related to anarchism. They have been selected with the autorization of their authors and after peer review.

Dissertations and theses do not always reach a very high standard; yet some of the authors of the following works have achieved well-deserved recognition: Paul Avrich, Henry David, or H. D. Ellis and H.L. Osgood to name but a few in the field of history. Many of these research pioneers work in new areas relatively unknown or sometimes ignored by academia. This collection also reveals a surprising range of topics, including philosophy, literature, fine arts, cinema, sociology, women’s studies, industrial and labor relations, political science, psychology, education, religion, rhetoric,speech, communications, urban and regional planning, biography and various areas in historical studies; it also shows an openness to other nations and may be interpreted as the first symptom of an international anarchist scholarship.

This list of works related to anarchism is not exhaustive and if you notice any error or omission please write to Ronald Creagh.

This section is still in construction. If you have any suggestions or remarks, please write to this website. Authors of Ph. D. Theses and Doctoral Dissertations are invited to send a summary of their work at the same address. All mail is moderated and requests with an email address receive a personal answer. This may take, however, some delay which we try to make it as short as possible.

Dissertations online

 BERTALAN, Hilton. "Dancing to Death : The Ongoing Movements of Emma Goldman and Differential Activism
 GOLDBERG, Myshele. "Telling Mythologies. Pasts and Possible Futures in Activist Literature".
 McKEAN, Jacob. "A Fury For Justice : Lucy Parsons and The Revolutionary Anarchist Movement in Chicago"

This website is part of the Research on Anarchism Forum where you may find :

 Bibliographies of theses and dissertations in English
 English Summaries of theses and dissertations in other languages
 a complete index of keywords
 a Who’s Who
 a bibliography of dissertations and theses in French, Italian and Spanish related to anarchism in its various aspects (art, literature, music, science, philosophy, politics and everyday life).